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Attendance Policies

Good attendance is essential to school success. Attending school regularly directly impacts children’s learning; consistency in school attendance is conducive to academic and personal success.

Students showing signs of illness, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, or persistent sore throat and/or earache should be kept home from school and notify the school office of the absence. Students must be 24 hours without fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and the use of fever-reducing medications before returning to school. 

Absences: Call in your child’s absence - 672-2701 ext. 1001 within 72 hours of their absence (it cannot by excused by law after that).

Medical Appointments: Try to schedule doctor appointments outside of the school day.

Vacations taken when school is in session are unexcused absences. Vacations should be planned to occur during regularly scheduled school breaks – summer break, fall break, winter break, and spring break. Please refer to the VUSD District Calendar for dates.

The only excused absences per the Education Code 5113:

1. Illness

2. Bereavement in immediate family 3. Medical appointment

3. Religious observance

4. Subpoena to court

Three or more unexcused absences (other than for the reasons above) or three lates more than 30 minutes in one school year, or any combination of the two, will result in a student classified as a truant. Any further lates or unexcused absences will cause the student to be classified as a habitual truant (Education code Section 48260 and/or Education code Section 68262).

Taking vacations during school days could result in your student being classified as a habitual truant, could result in your child being dropped from his class and school (if gone 10 days or more), and/or referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).

Parents are encouraged to contact the ESSA to address special circumstances